Cynthia Talley, Pastor
Reverend Cynthia Talley comes to Sango UMC after many years of experience in the United Methodist church! Rev. Talley holds both a Master’s and Doctorate of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary.

Emily Long, Director of Children’s Ministry
Emily does an amazing job of keeping our children engaged and excited about the Lord! She facilitates Sunday School and Wednesday night activities for K – 5th grade. As a high school history teacher and cheer coach, she cares for children of all ages.
Email: children@sangoumc.org

Joseph Nicholson, Director of Youth Ministry
Looking for Joseph? You can’t miss him – he’s the 6 foot 9 man wandering around leading our youth! Joseph has been working in youth ministry for over 20 years, and we are blessed to have him here at Sango. He leads our youth in Bible Study on Wednesday Nights, Sunday morning, and Sunday evenings. In his free time, Joseph enjoys working on theater productions and spending time with his family.
Email: josephhnicholson@gmail.com

Debbie Wilson, Director of Music Ministry
Debbie is our wonderful pianist, choir director, and all around talent musician! She leads our traditional service each Sunday, and directs handbell and choir practice on Wednesday evenings. Catch her videos online on our Facebook page on Thursdays!
Email: debbie@musicbydebbiewilson.com

Mark Robbins, Director of Contemporary Music
Mark is the energetic leader of our second service music. You can find him behind the drums on Sunday morning, or rocking around the church with his headphones on. He plays a ton of sports including Volleyball and pickle ball at Sango throughout the week.
Email: robbinsmark2001@gmail.com

Judith Long, Director of Social Media & Online Evangelism
Judith handles all things online for us – from social media, to photography, to updating this website! She also volunteers as a second adult with our youth group.
Email: judithkayelong@gmail.com

Ginny Ellis, Administrative Assistant
Ginny is the key to everything. If it happens at Sango, she knows about it! She’s the kindest voice on the phone, and she keeps our weekly worship bulletins looking good. Additionally, she’s a talented poet, and we are blessed every time she shares her work with us.
Email: office@sangoumc.org

Norman Mitchell, Custodian
Not only does Brother Norman work hard to keep our church clean and organized, we have the added benefit of listening to his sermons when he fills in for Pastor Dane! He’s an inspiration to us all and is always ready to stop and pray with you in the midst of his work.
Email: office@sangoumc.org