(931) 358-2552

Leadership Board

Sango UMC is governed by a Leadership Board, which meets monthly to discuss the needs of the church. All leadership board meetings are open to the public, and the congregation is encouraged to attend. For more information about our Leadership Board policies, follow the links below.

For questions or more information, please feel free to contact any of the following current board members.

RoleNameContact Information
ChairpersonEd Longedlongintn@gmail.com
Vice ChairpersonLandon Brakelandonbrake1@gmail.com
Lay Delegate to Annual ConferenceLary Deedsdmdldeeds@gmail.com
Lay LeaderBetty Earlearlbetty31@gmail.com
Trustees RepresentativeRodger Greenrodger.green@airgas.com
Trustees RepresentativeBrent Morricemorricebrent338@gmail.com
Primary Finance RepresentativeStacey Hollisstacey_hollis@yahoo.com
Finance RepresentativeJoy Robertsjoyskeet@aol.com
Staff Parish Relations RepresentativeRoddy Strattmanrstrattman931@charter.net
Staff Parish Relations RepresentativeSarah Ceciljmcecil30@msn.com
Outreach RepresentativeWendi Langfordtommynwendi@gmail.com
Nurture RepresentativePatty Inglepatty.ingle@wmich.edu
Nurture RepresentativeEllen Taylorellentaylor56@gmail.com
Mission & Evangelism RepresentativeMichelle Williamsmichellehd01@gmail.com
PastorRev. Cynthia Talleycynthia.talley@twkumc.org

United Methodist Links

United Methodist Church Book of Discipline