Latest News

Ginny resumed her regular work schedule on Monday, June 15th. Office hours will be Monday-Friday,8:30 AM through 12:30 PM.

Church REOPENING is Sunday, June 21st!!! Don’t forget to RSVP to the church office by Friday, June 19th at 9:00 AM.

Important Information-Please Read!
AA Meetings have been moved temporarily to the Fellowship Hall in the main building since we are restricting use of the CLC to worship only.  We ask that all others NOT enter the fellowship hall during AA meetings, so that attendees can maintain their privacy.  There are now signs on the kitchen door and glass front doors that list the times of the meetings and that ask people who are not attending to stay out.  The days/times are Mondays 6-8 pm, Tuesdays 6-8 pm, and Fridays 6-7 pm.  Please do not enter the fellowship hall during these times, even if you are just “passing through” to another part of the building.  Thank you for your support of this new policy for an important and vital ministry to our community.